1. Don’t believe everything your mind tells you and instead be very gentle and compassionate with yourself. When you are depressed, you are not in the right state of mind to be able to think clearly.You cannot believe everything your mind tells you as it is likely to be in a very negative state and make you believe things that are not true, or it can treat you in less than kind ways.Therefore, remember that this is the time to treat yourself with the utmost gentle, loving, and nurturing care.
  2. Stop isolating and begin to reach out to others. Depression can bring a lot of changes.  Some of those changes may be a lack of motivation, a decrease in pleasure, and a decrease in energy which may lead you to no longer reach or connect with others.Isolating is only going to increase your depression.  As hard as it may seem, I encourage you to do your best to reach out to your closest friends and/or family members.
  1. Begin to take baby steps and give yourself a lot of credit for those baby steps. When you are depressed doing the things that were so easy for you to do in the past, now may seem as if you are moving mountains.This is the time for you to think about what or those baby steps that seem doable and begin to take those steps.You might decide that you want to walk at least 1x/week for at least 15 minutes, or make the goal of making sure you eat breakfast daily.As small as these steps sound, doing them is very important, and it is the beginning of working towards not staying in a depressive state.What are those baby steps that you can begin to make?

Finally, if you find that you are not getting better, this might be a sign that it is time to seek professional help.

You don’t need to continue to struggle. Get the help that you need by filling out the form and scheduling your 15-minute free consultation.